Hi ! Recently (2 days ago) my Crystal Linux experienced a bad update. The computer could not boot anymore next to the update. I used ame -Syu
to update, and the reboot. And then it was stuck at the initramfs loading step with no error, just nothing happens. So, I decided to boot from the last valid btrfs snapshot (the one just before the update), it booted fine, and directly on the Gnome start, Timeshift says "Detected! Booted into Timeshift Snapshot, please restore the snapshot." So what I did ?? Exactly this ! Restored from the last valid snapshot (the one before the update), and rebooted. But now, my grub is kind of messed up, the only choice I have is : Firmware Setting, or explore the snapshots. So, I still can't boot normally, but I can boot into the "old old" snapshot (the one before the one before the upgrade, actually the one before the update is not available anymore from grub, but I still can see it in Timeshift).
I'm a bit lost into this. I totally don't know what can I do to repair my system properly. Also, I don't know if this is a normal behavior or if it's a real issue.
Thank you by advance!